Episode 150

Episode 150 is HERE! For the special occasion we have brought back Mr. Omar Ghosn (cofounder of IT Babble) to talk ed tech once again. The episode is a little longer than normal but certainly a great one.

As always you can find our podcast on iTunes (please subscribe) or on your favorite podcasting app.

  1. Welcome to 150! – What’s everyone been up to?
  2. Social media in schools
    1. Should it be used at all?
    2. Instant messaging vs Social media
    3. If yes, how should it be used?
    4. Etiquette vs Ethics?
    5. FOMO vs JOMO?
      1. My 9 year old and her relationship with social media (Seesaw, Whatsapp, Musically)
      2. The Man Who Knew Too Littleby Sam Dolnick of the NY Times – https://www.nytimes.com/2018/03/10/style/the-man-who-knew-too-little.html
    6. Eduro Learning Discussion about social media – https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MzCUtMDKhSY
    7. Tony’s post – https://itbabble.com/2018/03/18/its-time-to-regulate-social-media-in-schools/  
    8. https://gizmodo.com/study-being-a-teen-sucks-now-1822305426
  3. 1:1 Programs in schools – Mobile Devices vs Laptop
    1. Is a Chromebook a mobile device or a laptop
    2. Remix OS – http://www.jide.com/remixos-for-mobile
    3. Samsung DEX – http://www.samsung.com/global/galaxy/apps/samsung-dex/
    4. Omar’s prediction – modular design
  4. Eye strain because we are so connected
    1. Kids are being given iPads and numerous tasks on devices (screen time)
    2. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Effects_of_blue_light_technology
    3. F.Lux – https://justgetflux.com/
    4. Reading mode on mobile device
  5. Handwriting
    1. Should we continue to focus on it?
    2. Studies show a link between writing on paper and stronger “connections”
      1. https://www.psychologicalscience.org/news/were-only-human/ink-on-paper-some-notes-on-note-taking.html
    3. And if students are to type…how can we “control” their devices in a BYOD setting? Most testing software does not lock you in – MAP testing software does

You can download this episode here!


Source: IT Babble Blog and Podcast
