Computer Science, Programming, and Coding Standards by Grade Level

By: Tony DePrato | Follow me on Twitter @tdeprato

A while back I took the ISTE NETS Standards and decided to create a grade level based layout for what students should be able to do at different grade levels.

As the students continue to progress through their education, the grade level view expands gradually. The idea is that they keep repeating activities and meeting these standards.

Here is what the current design looks like:

Years  3 & 4:

  • Effectively use primitive data types
  • Effectively use, manipulate, and explain various external data types (text, images, sound, etc.), various locations (local, server, cloud), etc.

Year 5:

  • Effectively use primitive data types
  • Effectively use, manipulate, and explain various external data types (text, images, sound, etc.), various locations (local, server, cloud), etc.
  • Effectively use modeling and simulation to solve real-world problems
  • Effectively use two or more development environments

Year 6:

  • Effectively use primitive data types
  • Effectively use, manipulate, and explain various external data types (text, images, sound, etc.), various locations (local, server, cloud), etc.
  • Effectively use modeling and simulation to solve real-world problems
  • Effectively use two or more development environments
  • Demonstrate an understanding of operating systems and networking in a structured computer system

Year 7:

  • Effectively use primitive data types
  • Effectively use, manipulate, and explain various external data types (text, images, sound, etc.), various locations (local, server, cloud), etc.
  • Effectively use modeling and simulation to solve real-world problems
  • Effectively use two or more development environments
  • Demonstrate an understanding of operating systems and networking in a structured computer system
  • Using a modern, high-level programming language, construct correctly functioning programs involving simple and structured data types; compound boolean expressions; and sequential, conditional, and iterative control structures

Year 8:

  • Effectively use primitive data types
  • Effectively use, manipulate, and explain various external data types (text, images, sound, etc.), various locations (local, server, cloud), etc.
  • Effectively use modeling and simulation to solve real-world problems
  • Effectively use two or more development environments
  • Demonstrate an understanding of operating systems and networking in a structured computer system
  • Using a modern, high-level programming language, construct correctly functioning programs involving simple and structured data types; compound boolean expressions; and sequential, conditional, and iterative control structures
  • Design and test algorithms and programming solutions to problems in different contexts (textual, numeric, graphic,
    etc.) using advanced data structures

Years 9 & 10:

  • Effectively use primitive data types
  • Effectively use, manipulate, and explain
    various external data types (text, images, sound, etc.), various locations (local, server, cloud), etc.
  • Effectively use modeling and simulation to solve real-world problems
  • Effectively use two or more development environments
  • Demonstrate an understanding of operating systems and networking in a structured computer system
  • Using a modern, high-level programming language, construct correctly functioning programs involving simple and structured data types; compound boolean expressions; and sequential, conditional, and iterative control structures
  • Design and test algorithms and programming solutions to problems in different contexts (textual, numeric, graphic, etc.) using advanced data structures
  • Demonstrate an understanding of the operation of computer networks and mobile computing devices
  • Demonstrate knowledge of two or more programming paradigms

Years 11 & 12:

  • Effectively use primitive data types
  • Effectively use, manipulate, and explain
    various external data types (text, images, sound, etc.), various locations (local, server, cloud), etc.
  • Effectively use modeling and simulation to solve real-world problems
  • Effectively use two or more development environments
  • Demonstrate an understanding of operating systems and networking in a structured computer system
  • Using a modern, high-level programming language, construct correctly functioning programs involving simple and structured data types; compound boolean expressions; and sequential, conditional, and iterative control structures
  • Design and test algorithms and programming solutions to problems in different contexts (textual, numeric, graphic, etc.) using advanced data structures
  • Demonstrate an understanding of the operation of computer networks and mobile computing devices
  • Demonstrate knowledge of two or more programming paradigms
  • Analyze algorithms by considering complexity, efficiency, aesthetics, and correctness
  • Demonstrate an understanding of static and dynamic data structures

Over the next few weeks, I will be connecting the standards at each grade level to the types of activities and lessons that facilitate them.

Source: IT Babble Blog and Podcast
