= A new Google Calendar Event

Not too long ago, Google announced a bunch of really handy short URL’s that will let you create new types of files. I wrote about it here. For a quick refresher, here they are:

  • = New Google Doc
  • = New Google Sheets
  • = New Google Slides

Now there is one more to add and if you read the title, this will be no surprise. If you type, it will create a new calendar event. It is super handy.

Of course you must be logged into a Google account for this to work. So, if you don’t use Google or your school uses Office 365 or some other system then you can forget you ever read this post.

For me this is a big convenience. Most of my calendar events are appointments or meetings with other people. When you create a new event the old fashioned way of actually going to the calendar and clicking on the day you want an event. Here is what you get.









I want more options than what is there. I just do. I like to add notes, link to other Google Docs that are necessary for the meeting or maybe just a joke to lighten the mood (my meetings can be unnecessarily serious).

So yeah, I like this feature.

Source: IT Babble Blog and Podcast
