Episode 194 – Meta Pump

Tony and Patrick are back at it! Another great episode with a new Ask IT Babble segment and HOW! Be sure to subscribe to our podcast from your favorite podcasting app. Check out the talking points below!

  1. IT Babble how we make the show – for new listeners
  2. Daylight Savings Time (Tony forgot)
  3. What are we drinking?
  4. New Classrooms Update – Water Finds its Level
  5. Metaverse hype = Conference Pump – Be careful
    1. https://itbabble.com/2021/11/03/soul-machine-a-demo/ 
    2. How can you measure it?
  6. Ask IT Babble
    1. https://itbabble.com/ask-it-babble/

Ask IT Babble

Q1: My school is considering an investment in VR. Do you think this is a good idea?
VR Solution: https://www.classvr.com/

AR Solution: https://www.cleverbooks.eu/

Q2: Do you think teachers would print less if they could spend more money on other things?

You can download the episode here

Source: IT Babble Blog and Podcast
